Previous Issue (Volume - 6 | Issue - 1)

Overlap of two unusual condition in childhood: hibernoma and central diabetes insipidus

Published on: 7th March, 2022

Central Diabetes Insipidus (CDI) results from the inability to secrete ADH secreted by the neurohypophysis system to control water-electrolyte metabolism. In the etiology of CDI in childhood, many congenital and acquired central nervous system (CNS) tumors (germinoma, pinealoma, craniopharyngioma, optic glioma, acute myeloid leukemia), infiltrative diseases (Langerhans cell histiocytosis, sarcoidosis), infections (meningitis, tuberculosis, encephalitis), autoimmune events, head trauma, idiopathic) can be responsible [1]. Hibernomas, which are very rare in childhood, may also rarely involve the central nervous system.
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Effective treatment of diabetes mellitus and autoimmune diseases by resonance medicine

Published on: 14th July, 2022

Diseases - diabetes mellitus (especially type 1) and autoimmune diseases are incurable diseases. In type 1 diabetes, the beta cells of the tail of the pancreas die. It is in the beta cells of the tail of the pancreas that insulin is located, a hormone that maintains normal blood sugar levels in patients with type 1 diabetes. Until now, no methods have been known to restore dead pancreatic beta cells. Methods for restoring the lymphoid system in patients with autoimmune diseases were not known. With these diseases, the normal properties of the lymphoid system are lost. This review aims to present materials on the effective treatment (cure) of these diseases. For the treatment, the resonance therapy method was used, which has been known for at least 25 years and which has been modified in our work since 2016. The essence of our modification was that the author began to use 1. Not only low (previously known) but also high potencies of resonant drugs. 2. We have created a direction in resonance therapy, which is called “resonance of creation.” So far, only the direction is known as “resonance of destruction” is known, with the help of which oncological tissues, infectious processes, cysts, stones, etc. are treated - destroyed. With the help of the resonance of creation, various biological structures that have undergone degeneration and death are restored - the myelin sheath of the nerves in multiple sclerosis, nerve cells in Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, etc. With the help of the resonance of creation, the beta cells of the tail of the pancreas are restored in type 1 diabetes and restoration of the lymphoid system in autoimmune diseases. So, in patients with autoimmune diseases, organ preparations were tested: “lymph nodes”, “lymphocytes”. It turned out that in all patients with various autoimmune diseases, lymph nodes, and lymphocytes were tested as being in a degenerative state. There was not a single patient whose lymph nodes and lymphocytes were tested as normal. The task was to normalize the functional state of the lymph nodes and lymphocytes in our patients and thereby take an important step towards curing their autoimmune disease. To this end, it was necessary to increase the potency of the lymph nodes and lymphocytes in the same way as we did it in relation to the beta cells of the pancreas in patients with diabetes mellitus, in relation to the substantia nigra of the midbrain in patients with Parkinson’s disease and in relation to the myelin sheath. Nerves in multiple sclerosis. After testing organ preparations: “lymph nodes”, and “lymphocytes” in patients with autoimmune diseases, the potency was selected, which led to the fact that lymph nodes and lymphocytes were no longer tested as degenerated formations. It was this potency of lymph nodes and lymphocytes that was the basis for the treatment of patients. Thus, as a result of the treatment of diabetes mellitus (especially type 1) and autoimmune diseases by resonance therapy, these diseases become curable.
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Thyroid Nodules

Published on: 22nd September, 2022

Over the last few years, the prevalence of thyroid nodules has increased. There are multiple reasons: true increase in incidence and increase in investigations with better technology. Finding a nodule in the thyroid does lead to a flurry of investigations. 
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