
Research Article

Diabetes and red blood cell parameters

Md. Sadikuj Jaman*, Md. Sohanur Rahman, Rubaiya Rafique Swarna, Joyanto Mahato, Md. Milon Miah and Mosa. Ayshasiddeka

Published: 08 January, 2018 | Volume 2 - Issue 1 | Pages: 001-009

Type 2 diabetes is a common disease in these days and day by day it is arising. The main focus of the study was to investigate association of packed cell volume (PCV), Mean Corpuscular Volume (MPV), Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC), Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) with glycemic marker HbA1c. So that PCV, MPV, MCHC, RDW could be used as a predictor of glucoregulation in type 2 diabetes instead of HbA1c value. This study included 87 DMT2 patients, which divided into two groups, A (n=41, presence in diabetics≤6.5-6.9%) and B (n=46, target in diabetes≥7.0%), according to HbA1c values. Spearsman correlation co-efficients were calculated to evaluate the relationship between RBC count, MCHC, RDW with random blood sugar (RBS) and PCV, MCV, MCHC with HbA1c value. Binominal logistic regression analysis was performed to estimate the relationship between glycemic control, as dichotomous outcome of MCHC, RDW, PCV, and MCV as the main prognosticator. MCHC and RDW were significantly higher in the group B compared to the group A. RDW and MCHC may be applied as the auxiliary indicators of deterioration of glucoregulation.

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Packed cell volume; Mean corpuscular volume; Mean corpuscular Hemoglobin concentration; Red blood cell Distribution width; HbA1c


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